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More than 1 contract per deal on HubSpot
Allow the creation/send of more than on document/template in diferent dates. For exemple, send the first agreement on x date and the final contract weeks after. At ethe moment HubSpot only allows one document/signature as it doesn't show option to a
Signature location
It would be better to increase the size of the place to draw the signature, as it is small causing difficulty when signing.
They could create a password mechanism for signature links, so only the person who actually needs to sign will be able to access the document.
Sort By Signature Date
I want to leave here a tip for future updates. This, at least in our operation, is important, to start the continuity of the process for those customers who signed first. On the created documents view screen, in Sort you have the option to sort by D
Change the location of the ZapSign stamp or choose
ZapSign stamps the pages at the bottom of the pages which is pretty bad most of the time. The stamps at the bottom of the page most of the time end up on top of letterhead footers, making it difficult to read both the stamp and the information on th
Creation of cancellation status
The platform does not enable "cancellation", only enabling the "deletion" of the document without generating any proof of the transaction. Would it be possible to create a "cancellation" status that generates some type of record of the transaction a
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